The Future of Aging
The First Hundred Years: Healthy Longevity May Ultimately Define the Future Humankind has eternally searched for the fabled fountain of youth. While we suspect that a magical elixir to turn back time may never be discovered, in 2023 we are coming ever closer to a more...
Studying the Secrets of Super Agers
The growing group of people able to enjoy 100 years of life may well be one of the most remarkable achievements of the 21st century. A generation ago, the number of centenarians worldwide was just 110,000; today they are 600,000 strong. Notably, a sizable segment of...
Dementia and Alzheimer’s: Updates from a Leading Geriatrician
Senior Moments Or Something More? As Baby Boomers continue the inexorable journey deep into their senior years, preserving cognitive function understandably tops the list of worries. While Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias are seen in just 5% of people over...
Nourish Body, Brain and Heart with the MIND Diet
Mindful Eating for Your Brain Harkening back to ancient civilizations, the concept of food as medicine represents one of today’s most cutting-edge approaches to prevention and disease management. Inspired by the intricate connection of mind and body wellness, a small,...
In a Pickle and Looking for a New Summer Activity?
Try Pickleball, the Country’s Fastest-Growing Sport Tired of the same ‘ole routine every summer but find yourself in a pickle and looking for a new summer activity? Well, according to American Council on Exercise (ACE), you might want to consider pickleball. As...
Tips for Safe Summer Fun
Stay Safe with Sunscreen, Sunglasses and Plenty of Water The longer, sunshine filled days of summer are upon us and without a doubt, they are one of life’s unrivaled joys, especially when you protect yourself from the powerful impact of ultraviolet rays. With that in...
Summer Fruits and Veggies
Picking the Season’s Prime Produce A seasonal bounty of fruits and vegetables is in bloom everywhere from your grocery’s fresh foods section to local farmers’ markets, and in your own backyard garden. The following is advice from experts on how to purchase summer...
Exercise Is Good Medicine
Get Up and Join the Movement As we emerge from the doldrums of winter hibernation and COVID-19-related inertia, it’s important to remember that exercise is good medicine and there’s no better time than now, to get moving again. “There isn’t a chronic condition that...