New Year’s Resolutions Are So 2020!
What are your 2021 Anti-Resolutions? Year after year, the pattern rarely varies. Resolutions made, promptly followed by resolutions broken. The odds of sticking to New Year’s resolutions are, in fact, completely stacked against us, as research shows a paltry success rate of between 10 and 20%. But since the challenges of 2020 have reconfigured every…
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Pandemic Stress Likely Compounded by Seasonal Affective Disorder
Experts Expect Record Numbers of Seasonal Affective Disorder Diagnoses in 2021 As we continue to weather the storm of COVID-19, seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is also on our radar. More subtle than an arctic blast, SAD is just as real, with just as much potential to have a chilling effect on our mood, productivity…
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Start 2021 off Right by Sticking to your Winter Exercise Plan
A Winter Workout Routine Will Prepare You For Life After COVID Exercise will reduce pain, improve function and mobility, lower blood pressure and blood sugar, decrease risk of chronic illness and death from heart disease and many forms of cancer, enhance mood and focus, and may even help reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19. Despite…
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Can We Co-Exist with COVID-19?
An Epidemiologist Separates Fact from Fiction and Offers Hope for the Future Epidemiologists seek to learn why, how and when some people contract diseases when others don’t. Their findings are used to help monitor public health status, develop new medical treatments and disease prevention efforts, and provide an evidence base to healthcare and policy leaders. Whether…
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Let It Go: The Ancient Art of Meditation
Finding Peace Through Mindfulness and Meditation Mindful, compassionate, serene, happy: emotions that have been in short supply during the pandemic but can be beautifully restored to those who embrace the chance to learn the time- honored practice and art of meditation. For many, it is as easy as downloading the Headspace app on their smartphone,…
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How Red Meat Went from Taboo to Acceptable and Back Again
What’s the Beef With Red Meat? It’s long been the case that provocative headlines, unexpected findings and misinformation travel far faster than conventional wisdom, especially in the internet age. Even respected medical journals like the Annals of Internal Medicine can become caught in a crossfire of disagreement, as occurred last year when a controversial nutritional…
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Coronavirus Vaccine: Expert Says, ‘We Need Time to Get This Right’
Expert Calls for Slow & Steady Approach in Vaccine Development While the race to develop a coronavirus vaccine may seem as if it’s being run in slow motion, with most experts predicting a 2021 launch at earliest, by historical standards it’s unfolding with incredible swiftness. Looking back at timelines for other vaccines, it becomes evident…
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Superfoods and Your Immune System
Food for Thought: Nourishing the Immune System As football coaches and nutritionists know, the best offense is a good defense. In the fight against COVID-19, the promise of boosting the immune system with specific ‘superfoods’ is an enticing one. However, registered dietitian Linda Gigliotti, who is a fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics…
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